Politics. So many of us are just sick of it. Neither candidate has been telling the whole truth. Neither of them has a perfect voting record. Both of them love to sling mud. Its part of the job. One has to wonder, though, if being in the position of a presidential candidate requires such, let call it cruelty, and a heartlessness that you can publically attack another in front of millions, what else must that person have done to be in that position? Did they have to lie? Cheat? Break IRS tax codes and commit mass corporate deceptions? I’m sure that they did. You can’t get all the way to the top without stepping on a few toes.


He taxes too much. If you vote for him you’ll be homeless. If you vote for the other one, your children will starve. But if you vote for the first guy, they’ll lose all their education and become stupid rejects, begging for day-old scraps behind the ghetto bakery. But the other guy will take your job. And the other one will tax your new raise so you actually come home with $5 less every week. One of them will date your mom. The other will shut down her nursing home. One will have dinner with terrorists at Arby’s while the other just sends him a check at Christmas, even though they don’t celebrate Christmas.


Here’s what I’m saying: There are bigger issues than whose face is on the front page. Every day 6000 kids are killed by mid-term or later abortion. They refuse to allow Bibles in schools, so Christian parents teach home school, allowing their children to learn math and moral values at the same time. While the schools are taking a massive dump when it comes to value and ethics and crime and teaching self-worth, the state of California just outlawed Christians from their God-given right to teach their own kids. Now they have to send them to the cesspool of a school that will teach anti-creation science, thereby infringing on the rights of students to practice their own religion freely (but don’t worry, they won’t attack Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, pagans, wiccans, Scientologists, etc. Just the Christians.)


Let’s see, what else? Lets talk about gay marriage. I’m all for gays to have the right to choose their lifestyle- its their choice. (Just like my kids schooling used to be.) But I’m not for the whole gay-marriage thing. Sure, they can practice it, but that doesn’t really make it a marriage. I know, I know, they’ve redefined what “marriage” is, but it used to be a union before God between a man and a woman. Since most homosexuals don’t believe in or care for God, they can’t really have a union before Him that He will honor. But, what they hey, they ignored my right to practice my faith (only if it’s from the Christian Bible) by ignoring the 1st amendment, why not ignore the other principals too.


So who is going to do what to help me out? Am I personally going to benefit from either party being elected? Maybe, but probably not. There aren’t a whole lot of things that are going to actually make a difference in the way I daily live my life. I could be wrong, but here’s how I look at it:

If one side is accused of overtaxing and the other of allowing abortions, I will sacrifice a couple bucks, even a couple hundred, per year to vote for the sanctity of life.

If one side is accused of sending jobs overseas and the other of limiting free speech, I’m probably going to have to go for free speech. There will always be a need for jobs on the US. They may not be the best, but we have too many people not to need a ton of jobs. We also have a lot of politicians going after free speech, even though the ones attacked are the churches and the right. Hmm.

If one side wants to build a thousand mile fence at the borders and the other wants to let gays marry, I will go for the fence. Those guys are great climbers and if they can get in through, over or under a military fence, then they deserve to stay. For those that can’t, they can still come here, but have to go through the legal process. Meanwhile, I stand up for what I believe regarding gay marriage. I’m not anti-gay, but I’m not pro-gay. I’m just ok-gay; they can do their thing, but I don’t want tax dollars going toward something I find immoral.

Bottom line, I can’t do anything about the politicians. But, then again, I will probably never have to answer to them. I will, however, have to answer to God. I will stand before Him and be able to say that I voted for the things and the principles that are on His side, His Law, and His eternal purpose. I will say that I stood up for hundreds of thousands of innocent children and supported their right to life. I will say that I voted against the activity that led to His destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, the activities that He calls an abomination. I will be able to say that I stood up for His Word, His teaching, for the right to exhibit by faith, to speak freely the gospel. I will say, “Jesus, I stood up for you.”

What do you stand for?

Question: “What is the purpose of the church?”Acts 2:42 could be considered a purpose statement for the church, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” So, according to this Scripture, the purposes / activities of the church should be: (1) teaching Biblical doctrine, (2) providing a place of fellowship for believers, (3) observing the Lord’s supper, and (4) praying. But there is even more:The church is to teach Biblical doctrine so we can be grounded in our faith. Ephesians 4:14 tells us, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” The church is to be a place of fellowship, where Christians can be devoted to one another and honor one another (Romans 12:10), instruct one another (Romans 15:14), be kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32), encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and most importantly love one another (1 John 3:11).

The church is to be a place where believers can observe the Lord’s supper, remembering Christ’s death and shed blood on our behalf (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). The concept of “breaking bread” (Acts 2:42) also carries the idea of having meals together. This is another example of the church promoting fellowship. The final purpose of the church according to Acts 2:42 is prayer. The church is to be a place that promotes prayer, teaches prayer, and practices prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”





Ephesians 4:14; Romans 12:10; Romans 15:14; Ephesians 4:32; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; 1 John 3:11; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Acts 2:42; Philippians 4:6-7

The church’s “What if…?”

Written by Justin Lessard

 The word “church” has lost its meaning in today’s world. Originally, the word church referred to a body of believers, a fellowship of saints, a group of two or more who were gathered in the Name of Christ. The members often described as the saints, believers, the faithful, the witnesses for God and the household of God. It is not meant to describe the building in which they met, the stone walls that stood around them. The church IS the people of God.


The organization of the early churches was not governed by a rigged plan that each church had to follow. Instead, the body felt free to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and to developing a structure that would contribute to fulfilling those responsibilities. The primary goal was to respond to, and follow without restraint, the very Word of God, and the very instruction of God. They were not reining one over another. Instead, each church felt free to witness, testify, teach, instruct, encourage, edify, pray for, build up and bless others any way, time, form or shape that they could.


Church is not about how bright the stained-glass windows are. It’s not about our sound systems, or our gymnasiums. It isn’t even about the decorating committee’s decision for the new addition’s bathrooms. It is about reaching the lost for Jesus. It is about reaching out to a homeless man, a battered woman, a suicidal teen, a single mother prostituting, and a drunken addict. They won’t care so much if the new bathroom is covered in vines of fish decor. They will care that you extended your hand, invited them in again and again, and offered a shoulder to cry on, an ear to hear, and arms to hold. If the church weren’t so self-involved, we might actually make our Father proud. I thank God for comfortable seats, quality sound systems, carpeted floors, track lighting and fine decor; but not at the cost of losing the lost. Our focus needs to remain the same as those who reached out to us when we were unsaved. We have lavish luxury on a lifeboat, while sinners sink into hell.


What would happen if we, in today’s church responded similarly to the cry of the Holy Spirit?

What would happen if we gathered for a prayer meeting all night and God came suddenly?

What would happen if we decided that we were going to do whatever it takes to follow God?

What would happen if we laid every single earthly thing down and go after Him for a change?

What would happen if we said, “Okay, God. I’m going after You.”?

What would happen if we threw out our television, our computer, our magazines, and went whole heartedly after the will of our Father?


Now turn the focus from an individual standpoint to a group perspective.

What would happen if the church decided to go more after God than after man?

What would happen if we weren’t as concerned as to how long service is or how long I have to stand to worship God?

What would happen if we said, “God, I’m going after You and I don’t care what it takes!”?


We might make our Father proud. We might receive the REAL blessing. We might reach others who are sinking and hand them a raft. And a map and compass. We would be able to do more than tell them where they need to be, but we can show them the way and tell them how to get there.


So, what would happen if we really loved our neighbor more than our self? We would get out of our house, knock on their door and invite them for dinner. We would reach out. But only if we really loved them. Only if the love of Christ really dwells within us.

 So, does it? Then go fishing.